My Not So   Secret Garden

-- 2000 --

Revised 13 August 2000
Photos & Text © 2000 by Len Schwer

The pictures on this page document my backyard garden for the Summer of 2000. The pictures are arranged from the most recent near the top of the web page to the beginning of this year's garden at the bottom of the page. To view a larger version of any image, select the image and the larger version will be displayed in a viewing window. Please let me know of any broken links or typos. Thanks --len

August 13 2000
In addition to the garden overview pictures, I thought I'd show some of my vegetable garden flowers; if you look carefully in the left garden overview picture, you can see a hot air balloon in the sky. I took these pictures early in the morning to avoid the harsh midday lighting.
Last year I planted some of the Hyacinth Beans on trellises and enjoyed the foliage, flowers and bright purple bean pods so much I repeated them this year and added another heirloom variety called Painted Lady which has a profusion of small red and white flowers. These and many more nice heirloom flowers can be ordered from Select Seeds
The Zinnias are not planted as a heirloom variety, but when I see Zinnias in a vegetable garden I think of my Grandparents as they always included a row or two of these most colorful flowers.
Harvesting of crook neck squash and pickles continues. The Romano Pole beans are producing, although not as many pods as usual. Enough tomatoes for salads are available from the Sub-Artic seedling a co-worker of Becky's gave to me. I've picked two (wow!) Brandywine tomatoes and the vines have a few small green tomatoes finally. The Gypsy peppers are now providing enough to share a few, although I usually only pick the ripe reddish-orange peppers as they taste much sweeter. I also picked one of the three volunteer watermelons today as I noticed it was split open and must be ripe!
Overview of garden (left side)
Overview of garden (right side)
Painted Lady
Hyacinth Bean
Romano Pole Beans in the fore and Brandywine Tomatoes
Zinnias with some garden ornaments from Becky's Mom

July 21 2000
I have been harvesting crook neck squash for about 3 weeks and pickles for about 2 weeks; I made one batch of dill pickles. The Gypsy peppers are still a bit small but some have been harvested for salads. I noticed today the Romano pole beans have started producing and there should be a good crop. The ornamental corn tasseled out about 2 weeks ago and now has ears. The Brandywine tomatoes are 6 foot tall, but do NOT have one tomato on the huge vines?
Overview of the graden
Watermelon that volunteered
Mostly Gypsy peppers
Romano Pole Beans in the fore and Brandywine Tomatoes
Ornamental corn a.k.a. Indian Corn before PC
One of three hanging Fuchsia

June 17 2000
Nature is taking her time and I am still waiting to start the harvest!
That's the 'good luck' scarf from Lhasa hanging atop the Romano pole bean trellis with a pair of aluminum horse shoes that prove the mushroom compost was the real 'stuff' -- should be a great bean harvest.
Overview of the graden
Gypsy peppers in fore and small trellis for pickles
Romano Pole Beans in the fore and Brandywine Tomatoes
Ornamental corn a.k.a. Indian Corn before PC
Bird feeders outside my home office window

May 20 2000
They say gardener's are optimists and have a vision of the future :)
The tall maroon trellises are for climbing vine flowers.
Overview of the graden
Gypsy peppers in fore and small trellis for pickles
Brandywine Tomatoes
Romano Pole Beans sprouting

May 5 2000
The Brandywine tomatoes seemed to have done well while Ms Becky & I were away in China.
Brandywine tomatoes

March 31 2000
All the raised beds are ready for planting when I return from China. I planted the Brandywine tomatoes on 31 Mar in hopes of 4 July fruit?
Overview of the graden
End view of raised beds
Brandywine Tomatoes ready to go on 31 Mar 00!
Becky's flowers infront of the house

Photos & Text © 2000 by Len Schwer